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5 Belomore St, Level 4 Unit 4. Burwood NSW

About ClickTime

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WorkTimeManager has officially rebranded as


From recruitment to managing the complete profile of all  employees, we offer smart HR management. Keep employee records in one central secure place accessed from anywhere any time.

HR Management

Define Departments & Pay Groups.

Assign your employees to different departments and pay groups

Departments &  Pay Groups

Record and maintain the employees complete profile including licenses & qualification

Certifications & Licenses

Security And Acess Level

Create security roles and assign different users to different  security roles to manage their access levels.


Build your own employees & workers talent pool for your next contact. Access their records faster. Send them to your client by a mouse click

Talent Pool

Full-featured recruiting system. You can easily streamline your entire HR recruitment process and convert successful applicants to employees with a few mouse clicks

Recruiting system

Application Screening

convenient online application, screening, interview & induction of new employees

Colored Shifts

Scheduling & Time Clocking Software

Online TimesheetIndustry Compaliance Software

Eliminate your manual validation process for your labour with the local government authorities.

WorkTimeManager View Employee & Compliance

Are your employee files scattered across several drawers & file cabinets and network folders?

Now you can keep all important employee data in one safe & centralized database hosted in the cloud and accessiable from anywhere.


Save information save as employment history, training , skills, certifications, licenses & much more

Never misss & forget an important renewal with our automated notification & reminders